5 Web Development Languages to learn in 2023
originally posted on hellodevworld.com
It’s that time of year again to start thinking about what you want to learn this year!
These are my top 5 languages for web developers that I would suggest learning in 2023
- JavaScript/Typescript (shocker I know)
- Python
- Java
- Go
- Kotlin
I will also put a bonus one at the end ;p
1. JavaScript/TypeScript
according to Stackoverflow (and many others), JavaScript is one of the most commonly used languages in the world. It is a fun language that can be used for both the front end and back end. It has an extensive open library system that you can contribute to (open source). This is both good and bad because there is very little quality control but it opens some interesting opportunities and allows people’s imaginations to run wild. There are packages for everything! It is always fun to see what people come up with.
TypeScript has been exploding in the past few years as well. It is a superset of JavaScript meaning it adds an extra layer on top of javascript and compiles it down to javascript. It allows you to add static typing to your projects!
There is a HUGE demand for JavaScript/TypeScript devs as well. According to this study (and a few others), it is the number 1 most in-demand language last year. No matter what study you look at it's almost always in the top 3.
2. Python
Python has been around forever and you have probably already spent a little time learning Python as most colleges, high schools, and some code camps use it to teach people the basics. It is a great language and has been a steady contender for a long time. It is continuing to climb in popularity again and people who work in ML and deal with large sets of data seem to use it a lot.
it is a great language to have in your toolbelt with a high demand on the job market. No matter what study you look at it is almost always in the top 5 most in-demand languages from last year.
3. Java
Another language that has been around forever that you may know from schooling. You would be amazed how many companies still use Java and actively add new applications using Java every day.
Java has been around for a long time and there is a lot of good online support. It has been like Python which has been steady since it came out and definitely isn’t going anywhere. If you are a web developer that does not know Java it would be a great language to add to your arsenal.
it is also in high demand in the job market. No matter what study you look at it is almost always in the top 5 most in-demand languages from last year.
4. Go
oh, go…. Go is a language I was never super fond of and people seem to either love it or hate it. BUT the fact of the matter is it’s very popular and the popularity is growing. It is a fast language that people are finding new uses for all the time. It used to be more barebones than it is now (as designed they wanted it to be light and fast) but they have since added a bit more built-in functionality. There is also more and more online support for it every day. It is definitely an interesting one to check out and see if you like it!
also to mention it is in the top 10 of most in-demand languages for multiple studies.
5. Kotlin
Kotlin isn’t on any of the top in-demand lists but a language that I find very interesting. It seems to be gaining a bit of momentum and everyone that I know that uses it loves it. It is relatively new and there isn’t as much support online but there is still some out there. I don’t foresee it going anywhere anytime soon and just think it is an interesting language for someone to look into/learn that could become more popular in the upcoming years
BONUS! — Rust
if you want to start going a little past web development or a language that can go with web development definitely check out Rust. It is relatively new and is gaining momentum. It is a really cool fun lower-level language that people are finding new uses for all the time. It is more fun than C and is super fast and powerful. If you have extra time and you want to start playing around with lower-level languages definitely give Rust a try!